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3 quick adjustments to your computer monitor to ease neck pain

Do you suffer from neck pain or tension headaches? It could be the way you position your monitor during your working hours. Follow these 3 quick adjustments to your computer monitor to ease neck pain and tension headaches.

1. Adjust the height of your monitor so that the top of the monitor is eye level. This allows your head to sit naturally above your shoulders without tilting up or down which will ease muscle tension. You can put books under the monitor if it is not adjustable.

2. Place the monitor approximately 18 inches from you. This prevents you from leaning forward and, consequently, getting into that forward head position which puts all kinds of pressure on the muscles in the back of the neck.

3. Make sure the monitor is directly in front of you. Turning your head to one side for long periods of time can lead to muscle tightness and the recurring neck pain and tension headaches.

Following these 3 adjustments will ease the tension in your neck and make you more productive which your boss will love!


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